Changes to OAS COVID-19 Screening Guidelines
Effective October 14, 2020
Effective immediately, OAS guidelines for COVID-19 screening will be aligned with those recommended by local public health units. These guidelines continue to evolve, and we encourage COVID Coordinators to consult their local public health unit website regularly to see if they have different rules based on local risk and to ensure club practices reflect the most current guidance.
All participants must screen for COVID-19 every day before attending in-person artistic swimming programs or activity. The Ontario COVID-19 self-assessment for adult participants is available here. The Ontario COVID-19 student screening, which should be used for participants under 18 years of age, is available here.
The main change from guidelines set out in the OAS Framework for Return to Artistic Swimming Activity is adjusting the type and number of symptoms needed for an individual to stay home and seek medical advice, including if they need a COVID-19 test. Individuals who experience COVID-19-like symptoms must report their absence and advise the club’s COVID Coordinator that the absence is possibly COVID-19 related. If the individual is referred for testing, they must stay home until test results are received.
Household members without symptoms may attend in-person artistic swimming programs or activity, although we encourage COVID Coordinators to consult their local public health unit website to see if they have different rules for household members based on local risk.
If an individual tests positive for COVID-19, they should receive a call from their local public health unit within a few days. All positive tests must be reported using the OAS Illness or Injury Form. The decision on when to return to the training environment following a positive COVID-19 test will require medical advice and clearance by a doctor.
We will be updating the Framework over the coming days. In the meantime, please refer any questions or comments to Ruth Belcher at