Try Art Swim Campaign Resources

Try Art Swim events give future athletes a chance to experience Artistic Swimming firsthand and see why so many choose synchro as their sport.
The below assets can be utilized at your club and on social media to promote your Try Art Swim events and/or beginner programs. By getting the word out to your direct community, you are giving your club the opportunity to gain new Artistic Swimmers.
This campaign content has been developed for Ontario Artistic Swimming and clubs to use at any time of the year and for years to come. Clubs are also invited to adjust copy where needed and to create their own imagery using the provided watermark.
Our goal is to build a recognizable brand for “Try Art Swim” events and grassroots programs and align key messaging and visuals across the province.
Find the assets you need to promote Try Art Swim at your club below.
Try Art Swim Promo Kit Copy | August 2021 |
Social Media Posts | August 2021 |
Social Media Ads | August 2021 |
Quarter-Page Ad | August 2021 |
Campaign Poster | August 2021 |
Facebook Headers | August 2021 |