testKKKD Deadline extended: OAS Board of Directors Call for Nominations - Ontario Artistic Swimming Body

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OAS Board of Directors Call for Nominations

Deadline extended to September 28, 2020

The Nominations Committee has extended the deadline to submit a nomination package to Monday, September 28 at 4:00pm.

This decision was not made lightly by the committee, and was made with the intent to best serve the OAS membership.  This decision was made to recognize the delayed start to the artistic swimming season that many clubs and the larger sport sector are currently experiencing as a result of COVID-19.  We want to be sure that the communication is as widespread as possible and that our community has received the call for nominations and have had ample opportunity to consider putting their name forward

We want to assure our members that this change still adheres to the Terms of Reference for the nomination process.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this change or the nomination process in general on behalf of the nominations committee I welcome your feedback, please get in touch at nominations@ontarioartisticswimming.ca