testKKKD OAS Announces Katie Allaire as AdAS Programs Project Manager Body

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Ontario Artistic Swimming is excited to announce Katie Allaire as the new Adapted Artistic Swimming Programs Project Manager!

Katie will spearhead a number of provincial Adapted Artistic Swimming (AdAS) initiatives including the Adapted Team Ontario pilot project, an AdAS Program Guide resource for clubs, and a Regional AdAS try-it event. OAS would like to thank Canada Artistic Swimming for making this position possible through the CAS Community Sport for All grant.

Learn more about Katie below:

Katie Allaire

Katie is the Club Manager and Adapted/Mixed Ability Program Lead Coach at Remix Artistic Swimming Club in addition to coaching athletes in their 8U, 10U and 11-12 programs. Katie is an NCCP Competition Development Trained Coach along with Special Olympics Competition Introduction and Mixed Ability Sport Coach Certified.

Katie acts as a Coach Representative on the Ontario Adapted Artistic Swimming Committee and has played a crucial role in the development of many adapted and accessibility initiatives to date and has supported Adapted Coach Development in Ontario, British Columbia and Nova Scotia. Katie is in her final months of her degree in Child and Youth Studies at York University and works in the Inclusive Recreation field, supporting the growth and development of various Summer Camp Inclusion programs and services for over 5 years.

Katie believes that we can adapt any sport to create inclusive and competitive environments for athletes and families to experience and benefit from all that sport has to offer.

Katie can be reached at kallaire@ontarioartisticswimming.ca. Welcome to the OAS Team, Katie!