testKKKD Deadline extended: OAS Board of Directors Call for Nominations - Ontario Artistic Swimming Body

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OAS Board of Directors Call for Nominations

Deadline extended to September 28, 2020

It is time to begin the process of forming the Candidate slate of those seeking election to the Ontario Artistic Swimming Board of Directors for 2020-2023.

If you have any questions about the nominating process please contact Alanna Harman at aharman@ontarioartisticswimming.ca.


On November 7, 2020three board positions will be open for election:

  • OAS Vice President Sandra Inglis is up for re-election, and she has indicated she plans to seek a new 3-year term
  • OAS Director-at-Large Brad Davis will not be seeking re-election, we would like to take this opportunity to thank Brad for his service to the artistic swimming community.
  • OAS Director-at-Large Hilary Caldwell is up for re-election, she will not be seeking re-election as she will be relocating to Halifax, Nova Scotia to complete her post-doc training at Dalhousie University. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Hilary for her service and wish her the best of luck with her upcoming move.

The Nominations Committee is a standing Committee of Ontario Artistic Swimming that is responsible for ensuring that the Ontario Artistic Swimming Board of Directors is composed of persons sufficiently qualified and skilled to provide effective leadership to Ontario Artistic Swimming. The Nominations Committee for 2020-2021 has been established and is comprised of:

  • Alanna Harman, Chair & Ontario Artistic Swimming Director-at-Large
  • Mary Dwyer, Ontario Artistic Swimming Executive Director
  • Monique Dubord, Member-at-large
  • Kara Heald, Member-at-large

The Nominations Committee invites anyone interested in being a candidate for the 2020 – 2023 board to complete the Nomination Form and Nominee Profile. The Nominations Committee encourages as broad a representation of our constituents as possible. Skills beneficial to a governance board model include those related to business, relationship development, communications, marketing, finance, change management, and the sport of artistic swimming.  Criteria used to guide the Nominations Committee include integrity, discretion, interpersonal skills, prior board and committee experience, and knowledge of artistic swimming. In particular, Ontario Artistic Swimming is recruiting board members with Finance/ Accounting expertise

Ontario Artistic Swimming board members are asked to:

  • Participate in all board and special meetings, either in person or by conference call. Typically, the meetings include one or two full-day, face-to-face meetings over the summer months, as well as monthly meetings from September to May
  • Attend the Fall Journey to Excellence conference and June Annual General Meeting
  • Chair or participate on board standing committees, as required; and
  • Contribute their skills and expertise to advancing the organization’s strategic directions

Nominees must fill out a Nomination Form and Nominee Profile found on our Governance page, under 2020 Annual Meeting Documents, and submit it to nominations@ontarioartisticswimming.ca  prior to 4 pm (EST) on September 28, 2020. 

Both of these documents will be distributed in their entirety to the membership for review and consideration prior to elections. This information will also be published and posted on the Ontario Artistic Swimming website and other social media as applicable.

Nominees must also partake in a Candidate Interview through October 5, Candidate Interviews with Nominating Committee will be ongoing as nominations are received. 

Elections for these positions will take place during the Annual General Meeting, Saturday, November 7, 2020.

Questions from interested candidates are welcome and confidential. Prospective board members should familiarize themselves with the OAS by-laws and policies, including the Conduct Policy.

The following is the timeline summarizing the 2020 nominating process:

Date Process Details
August, 2020 Call for Nominations communicated to member clubs, coaches and officials via email and on the OAS website and Facebook page. The Nomination Form and Nominee Profile are available to download from the OAS website at https://ontarioartisticswimming.ca/about/governance/ under 2020 Annual Meeting Documents. These documents must be completed by all interested parties, including current board members seeking re-election.
September 28 2020 Nomination Form and Nominee Profile are due by 4pm EST. Forms must be submitted by email to nominations@ontarioartisticswimming.ca
Through October 5 Candidate Interviews with Nominating Committee will be ongoing as nominations are received
October 15, 2020 Nominating Committee will announce the slate of Candidates for the 2020-2023 board via email and on the OAS website.
October 23, 2020 Annual General Meeting information communicated to Member clubs.
November 7, 2020 OAS Annual General Meeting and election.