testKKKD OAS Statement & Community Engagement Survey - Ontario Artistic Swimming Body

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Ontario Artistic Swimming
Community Engagement Survey

Ontario Artistic Swimming, as a sport community, has fallen short in fostering a safe and welcoming environment for everyone including athletes and coaches. For this, we sincerely apologize.

Several former and current athletes have sparked a conversation about disrespectful and abusive behaviours that have occurred in Ontario’s training environment. We want to become an active listener to the voices in this conversation.

We acknowledge that we have some critical work to do. Thus, we are creating a multi-level platform for athletes, coaches, and other key stakeholders to advise us about what is going on at the ground level and propose ideas for how we can improve or do things differently. The first step is a survey, and you are invited to participate through the link below. After receiving and reflecting upon this data, we will work with various community members including athletes and coaches, to continue taking the steps needed to create positive change.

We believe in our sport, the athletes it moulds, and the moments it creates. We are fully committed to changing course and shifting the culture that exists within our sport in Ontario; our artistic swimming community deserves no less.

About the Community Engagement Survey

As Ontario Artistic Swimming, we are the provincial organization governing artistic swimming in Ontario.

We would like to hear about your experiences and what you think we need to do to ensure a safe and welcoming environment in our sport. Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey to share your views.  This survey is being conducted by Sport Law & Strategy Group (SLSG) and all responses will be included anonymously in a Report of Findings for OAS.  We value your input. Your feedback is very important to this process.

Please respond to the survey by Monday November 9, 2020.