testKKKD Ontario's Got Talent Athletes Announced - Ontario Artistic Swimming Body

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Ontario’s Got Talent Athletes

We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the athletes selected for our Ontario’s Got Talent HP Program. These athletes will be participating in their first virtual camp this weekend. We are so excited to welcome them to the program and watch them grow as athletes! 

 13-15 Athletes

Jennifer Berry OSSC
Chloe Brown TSSC
Savannah Burton WRASC
Keira Cadeau WRASC
Nicole Carver BSSC
Nadia Crits WRASC
Lily Duc GO
Stefanie Gavrilovic GO
Eleanor Giggs WRASC
Olena Verbinska CHACO
Alexandra Gillan OSSC
Evelyn Goddard OSSC
Allison Gu CHACO
Karen Gu CHACO
Brooke Xin Lai CHACO
Hana Lina Lalovic GO
Larissa Louck WRASC
Izabell Mazurek WRASC
Adeline McCully KT
Jessica Moran OSSC
Indya Pentilchuk WRASC
Coco Petracchi GRAN
Abby Wang CHACO
Alyssa You CHACO
Jessie Yu BSSC
Danica Penner WRASC
Nicole Sabo GO
Tory Mee GRAN
Ria Somaia OSSC
Faith Bennet OSSC


                 Junior Athletes

Anastasia Bell GO
Maya Bell GO
Rachel Blainey GRAN
Sonia Dunn GO
Idil Duras TSSC
Reed Gossling GRAN
Charlotte Gray GRAN
Lauren Irvine WRASC
Isobel Jarvis YORK
Olivia Macdonald GRAN
Sydney MacEachern WRASC
Ella McKinley GRAN
Claire Scheffel WRASC
Francesca Seed OSSC
Janet Soilis OSSC
Kadia St-Pierre OSSC
Alexa Swales GRAN
Sarah Taylor OSSC
Clara Thomas GO
Cassie Zavitz WRASC