testKKKD Pink Shirt Day is right around the corner! - Ontario Artistic Swimming Body

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Pink Shirt Day is right around the corner!

Pink Shirt Day began in Nova Scotia, Canada in 2007 when two grade 12 students, David Shepherd and Travis Price, took a stand against homophobic bullying, after a new grade 9 student was harassed and threatened for wearing pink. Pink Shirt Day is now celebrated annually around the globe on various dates but in Canada, (aka National Anti-Bullying Day), is on the last Wednesday of February. Bullying is a conscious, willful, deliberate, repeated and hostile activity marked by an imbalance of power, intended to harm and/or threaten aggression which has no place in schools, sport or society in general.
As an organization Ontario Artistic Swimming believes that everyone in our sport has the right to enjoy the sport at whatever level or position they participate. Athletes, coaches, officials and volunteers have the right to participate in a safe and inclusive training and competitive environment that is free of abuse, harassment or discrimination. We will be joining CAS and our fellow PSO’s and encourage all Ontario Artistic Swimming member clubs and communities to join the Pink Shirt Day movement on February 24, 2021 by wearing PINK and adding our voices in advocating for an end to bullying behaviour.  
Last year we proudly distributed almost 100 SPLASH KINDNESS EVERYWHERE pink t-shirts across the province and country. We look forward to Ontario Artistic Swimming’s  athletes, coaches and all members across the country, strongly show support by wearing pink and sharing your photos across social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Please tag @ontarioartisticswimming to have your photos highlighted and use any of the following hashtags: #OASPinkDay, #ChooseKindness, #PinkShirtDay,  #BeKind, #ThinkPink or #OASWearPink
A random draw for 5 free t-shirts will be held on February 15, 2021 – Family Day, from those who tagged @ontarioartisticswimming in their social media posts.