
Find Draws, Results & More for the Leslie Taylor Ontario Cup here.


These safe sport policies and procedures should be referenced in order to appropriately address safe sport concerns.

For any questions regarding safe sport policies and procedures, please contact us.

Coach Registration and Certification Policy

Canada Artistic Swimming (CAS) and Ontario Artistic Swimming (OAS) are committed to creating a safe work and sport environment in which everyone is treated with respect and dignity. Coaches are expected to conduct themselves in all matters involving or impacting CAS or OAS, and where they may be seen to be representing CAS or OAS, with integrity and in a manner that is consistent with CAS and OAS values and the highest standards of behaviour upon which our image and reputation rests.

This Policy applies to all individuals wishing to engage in the role of a coach and sets out the registration and certification requirements for coaching artistic swimming in Canada.

Screening Policy

Police record checks are an important part of the screening process to determine suitability of employees, board and committee members, coaches, officials, volunteers and other service providers. Police record checks can mitigate risk of theft and fraud and can help organizations identify individuals who pose a risk to minors and other vulnerable persons.

Screening is an important part of providing a safe work and sport environment and has become a common practice among sport organizations that provide programs and services to the community. CAS, OAS and affiliated artistic swimming clubs are responsible at law to do everything reasonable to provide a safe and secure environment for participants in its programs, activities and events. Requiring that valid police record checks and other background checks, as appropriate, be submitted as part of the screening process, is part of this duty of care.

Sterling Backcheck acts as the Global Background Screening Check for Canada Artistic Swimming. Click here to begin the screening process.

Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport (UCCMS)

The UCCMS will provide the foundation for the development of a coordinated implementation strategy to prevent and address maltreatment across all levels of the Canadian sport system, and for all participants (athletes, coaches, officials, administrators, practitioners, etc.). The UCCMS is a result of an extensive consultation process that sought insight and expertise from within the sport system and from external subject matter experts.