
The Jolyn Invitational is coming! Find event information & registration forms here.

OGT Camp and Novice & Masters Dryland Event Recap

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March 11, 2021

OGT Camp and Novice & Masters Dryland Event Recap

2021 Novice & Masters Dryland Competition and OGT Camp  We had an action packed weekend! OAS balanced both the OGT Camp as well as the Novice & Masters Dryland Competition. In this recap, we will highlight some of the memorable moments from each events. OGT...

2021 Leslie Taylor Cup Recap

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March 5, 2021

2021 Leslie Taylor Cup Recap

2021 Leslie Taylor Cup Event Recap  The Leslie Taylor Cup was host to over 600 OAS athletes in nine events, competing over two days and 18 hours of Zoom live streaming! We once again had some very supportive audience members including our swimmers’ furry friends, and...

CSIO Athlete Spotlight Nominations

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February 20, 2021

CSIO Athlete Spotlight Nominations

Do you have an athlete in mind who you think deserves recognition based on performance, training, an act of kindness, or simply based on who they are? Our partner, Canadian Sport Institute Ontario (CSIO) is thrilled to rollout their...