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OAS Framework for Return to Artistic Swimming Activity in Ontario

The final released Version 6 is linked below, which provides the framework for the return to our sport that is effective concurrent with the start of our 2020-21 programming and competitive season.

The focus remains on the health and safety of all participants in our sport as we move forward in partnership with our membership. It rests with all of us to be vigilant and mindful in assessing the risks and adhering to appropriate health and safety protocols in order to minimize those risks and to keep each other safe from COVID-19. This document provides information and offers guidance based on information that is as current as possible and on the best practices developed by numerous sources within various sport sectors. It is imperative that the advice and instructions of public health and government authorities and facility operators always be adhered to when returning to any form of training or competition.

Have a question about our Return to Artistic Swimming Framework? Click here to view our FAQ page!

The Principles of Return to Artistic Swimming Activity


Physical distancing is proven to be one of the most effective ways to reduce the spread of illness during an outbreak. Return to sport must adhere to physical distancing in accordance with requirements of public health authorities and facility operators.

Safe Sport Environment

In these unique times, our commitment to providing a safe sport environment for all participants cannot waver. A return to sport program must be designed to ensure all aspects of a safe sport environment can be implemented and followed.

Planning and Communications

Planning and Communications A robust return to training plan that includes regular communication and education with key stakeholders including athletes, coaches and others, is key for any club.

Individual Health Monitoring

Daily individual health monitoring processes need to be in place. Individuals should not return to sport if they have been unwell (even mild symptoms), have had contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 or have travelled outside the country in the past 14 days. Staff or athletes at risk for severe illness from COVID-19 are recommended to review their specific health concerns with their primary care provider prior to attending training sessions.

Social Distancing

In addition to physical distancing, handwashing and cough etiquette add another layer of protection against the spread of COVID-19. Return to sport plans must implement and monitor appropriate individual personal hygiene practices among staff, coaches and all participants at home (away from training) and during training.

Equipment Cleaning

Surfaces frequently touched with hands are most likely to be contaminated however Coronaviruses are one of the easiest types of viruses to kill with the appropriate disinfectant product when used according to the label directions.