
The Jolyn Invitational is coming! Find event information & registration forms here.


June 9, 2020

Requirements for virtual training

Requirements for Virtual Training Guidelines for Online Training Online training or land drill sessions are considered pre-sanctioned by Ontario Artistic Swimming (i.e., a sanction request from clubs is NOT required). The OAS sanction covers virtual training sessions...


April 23, 2020

COPSIN Advantage Series

“During this time of physical distancing due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the Canadian Olympic and Paralympic Sport Institute Network (COPSIN) is now offering free webinars for coaches to give them professional development opportunities and a chance to connect with...


April 16, 2020

Coaches Association of Ontario

There are numerous remote learning course that coaches are able to complete. Coaches can do MED training online as well as Comp Dev multi-sport modules (which are available for anyone either working on or planning on doing Comp Dev). For more information on CAO home...


April 16, 2020

Introduction to Physical Literacy

For a limited time, Sport for Life is offering an e-learning discount to their  . This course is a pre-req for AquaGo Instructor Workshop, and will be as well for Revised Comp Intro Course (beginning September 2020). $9.98 for the month...